Hampshire Mills Group




When the Slipper Sailing Club purchased Quay Mill in 1974, it still contained some machinery, shafting and various items which had to be removed before the conversion could be done.   Some items were taken by members, restored, and now adorn the bar and the rest of the building, but the larger pieces found refuge in the Hackman’s barn on Hayling Island and have stayed there for many years, until the property had to be cleared.   Several of the sailing club members can remember removing the heavy items from the mill to the island.


What does one do with redundant mill machinery?  The Hampshire Mills Group was contacted and said that they could not only move it, but also find good homes for it.  So we thought members might like to know what has happened to it. 

There was a maize or bean kibbler which is now being restored at Basingstoke before being fitted on the stones floor of Longbridge Mill at Sherfield-on-Lodden.  This is a mill which the Mills Group cleaned out many years ago preparing for a thorough survey, but unfortunately vandals got in and there was a disastrous fire, during which, their kibbler was completely destroyed.   (For those who don’t know – a kibbler is a machine with grooved plates for course grinding various animal feed, such as beans).  

The mill has now been restored to working order and volunteers from the Group mill and produce flour there on the fourth Saturday of every month.   There is great demand for the flour, which is also sold by the adjoining restaurant and bar – worth a visit after the sailing season!

The oat crusher (the use speaks for itself!) has gone to Calbourne Upper Mill on the Isle of Wight, where it will be cleaned up and will be part of their display.  The Holgate Windmill Trust at York was interested in the small sack hoist, but unfortunately it would not fit in the cap of the mill, so it is now in the store of the Hampshire Museum Service.   Also there is something the purpose of which is still under discussion – it could have been a dough mixer, but that is not certain.  Anyone remember? 

In the north of the county at Crux Easton is large, hundred year old wind engine, which has been restored by the Group with a grant from the Lottery.   Various lengths of line shafting, etc. have been most useful to replace the old rusty ones and the mill’s winnower and plate mill are on display in the adjoining building.  These will eventually be driven by the wind engine as part of the exhibition, to show that it produced animal food as well as pumping water to the highest point in Hampshire.   The mill complex is open several times a year and it is worth a visit , not only to see the sails turning but to look down the well to the water 340 foot below - the pump machinery at the bottom of the well has yet to be recovered - any volunteers?

The remainder of the machinery is in the County’s store at Chilcombe near Winchester and it is hoped to find good homes for it in time, but at least, it is safe there!   Hampshire Mills Group is in contact with most parts of the Country and there are always people restoring mills who need replacements, so you can be sure that Slipper Mill machinery will be welcome and well looked after.

The Hampshire Mills Group is very grateful that the Club had saved this machinery some 30 years ago, enabling it to be used in mills again.

                                                                         Tony and Mary Yoward    2005

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