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Newsletter 100, Spring 2013 © Hampshire Mills Group


News from the Mills Archive Trust


More Red Letter Days as Liz Bartram and Guy Boocock, both Work Experience volunteers, have won Vodafone World of Difference Awards for 2013. These prestigious awards, won in the face of stiff competition across the country,  mean that the Archive  will receive grants to employ each of them for four months on specific projects. This is Guy’s second Vodafone award and altogether the Mills Archive has gained five in the three years of the competition.


Award winners Liz and Guy David Plunkett shows the delicate Armfield drawings he’s catalogued See Mill paintings on the BBC website

The National Archives will annually be provided with a list of material which MAT has received. The latest list includes 23 collections of varying size and importance, three of which are important millwrighting records. A few of the collections may not yet be available to view as they are largely unsorted and in a vulnerable state.  HMG’s David Plunkett has been working on one of them which will be of interest to many of our members:  

  Some 200 drawings from the Ringwood firm of Joseph J. Armfield & Company Limited; who  were not only engineers but also millwrights, turbine manufacturers, brass and iron founders.  Other items are:

 9 boxes of material on the Holman Brothers, millwrights - ledgers and commercial records of the firm as well as research material on the firm and family gathered by the late Geoff Holman;

 1 box of Essex windmill photographs (prints and some negatives) from the 1930s to the 1950s by Rex   Wailes (1901-1986), consultant on mill repair and industrial archaeology;

 8 boxes of architectural drawings, correspondence, documents and photographs relating to the restoration and conservation of windmills and watermills - the collection of Christopher Louden Wallis (1935-2006), civil engineer and expert in restoration and conservation of vernacular structures;

 Approximately 1000 pen and ink sketches of windmills, two watercolours and a handful of associated documents by the artist, Karl Salisbury Wood (1888-1958).

  The  Mill Writing blogsite encourages us to look at this link where you will find a myriad of mills (there are a few watermills amongst the plethora of windmills) captured in lovely paintings.  Part of the National Collection of Paintings, they have been published on the internet by "Your Paintings", which is a joint initiative between the BBC, the Public Catalogue Foundation (a registered charity) and participating collections and museums from across the UK.  Register with the BBC and you can download some, but, be aware that “each image is also protected with a secure invisible digital watermark that allows the Public Catalogue Foundation and other copyright owners to identify and track any unauthorised use of the image.  However, each one is clearly detailed with artist and date (where known) plus the museum or gallery owner.  It’s a super site – thanks go to William Hill for flagging it up.

 Finally, Ron Cookson, M.B.E., was invested with his “gong” at Buckingham Palace on 1st February.  Wear it with pride, Ron, on behalf of all contributors to the Mills Archive, we’re very proud of it too.                                                                                                                                                                

Sheila Miles Viner.        www.millsarchive.com


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