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Newsletter 113, Summer 2016 © Hampshire Mills Group |
This book is the most extensive history of
Wirral’s windmills and watermills ever
produced. It records around seventy mills,
which stood on Wirral between the Domesday
survey and the demise of traditional
milling. There are individual sections
covering forty three mills – many of them
ancient sites, which have rarely, if ever,
been written about before. References to
mills are examined at each place, and
efforts have been made to trace the history
of milling at each location, from the first
known records, until each mill fell into
disuse. Where possible, the site of every
mill has been identified on the present day
landscape. Features which remain have been
described in detail, both remaining
buildings and lesser archaeological
Paperback 21cm by 24.5cm, 263
pages, with appendixes and indexes, and 220
maps, photographs, and diagrams, many in
full colour. ISBN: 978-1-910352-10-6
Price £19.95 plus
£3.50 p&p from
Rowan Patel, 50 Brookhurst Avenue,
Wirral CH63 0HU
Phone: 07546 280991
Cheques payable to Rowan
Windmills were never as important a
feature of the Hampshire economy as
watermills; none the less Ken Kirsopp has
found a surprising amount of information on
those known to have stood in the county
during the past 800 or so years.
The results of that research have been
written up by Guy Blythman and published in
the book, with some additional material
included. The Isle of Wight is dealt with
at the same time.
This is the most comprehensive book on the
subject which has so far appeared and is the
fourth volume in the Mills Archive Trust
Research Publications series. It
complements the
volumes on
the county’s watermills recently
published by Hampshire Mills Group.
Paperback A4, 116 pages, with
appendixes and indexes, and maps,
photographs, and diagrams, in black & white.
ISSN: 2051-6924
Mills Archive Trust
Watlington House
Reading RG1 4RJ
Price £15
Available here :
Mills Archive Bookshop