The well attended Spring
meeting was held at Warnford Village
Hall. Reports on mill repairs included
mention of successful stitching carried
out on Hockley’s waterwheel
(viewable by the public on the January 1st
Open Day). However, the wheel, set up
with wedges (almost complete), needs de-calcining
to get it balanced correctly. Woodworm
treatment of the mill and replacement of
the Hockley sluices needs to be carried
out; negotiations are taking place with
the property owner, residents and farmer
who all have interests in the projects.
Bishopstoke Turbines: it is
understood that contracts on fish ladder
design are being sought by Eastleigh
Borough Council. Broughton Manor
Farm Barn Mill: Health and Safety
paperwork is still to be completed
before work can commence although work
is needed to start as soon as possible.
Gavin Bowie said that the Hampshire
Field Club’s Historic Buildings Group
had done some research on the barn and
think it is the largest staddle stone
barn in Hampshire.
The meeting was followed
by a visit to the Warnford Waterwheel
and Pump in Warnford Park which the
Heavy Gang had restored many years
previously. Photographs recording
various works carried out were displayed
in the hall. We went on to Warnford
Paper Mill; the building we saw being
a rebuild on the same footprint of the
original which burned down. A
delightful sojourn. Thanks are due to
Alison Stott for organising and the
Paper Mill owner, Mr. L for allowing us
free rein over his property.
Specific Mills –
recent news.
City Mill Winchester:
Bob Goodwin said they had 32,500
visitors last year and milled 8 tons of
grain (despite two months when the
sluice was under repair). A grant had
been received from DEFRA as they had
participated in “Eat into Green
Living”. They are running new courses,
with baking activites and events; they
are opening up the downstairs area for
better viewing; they have had an
exhibition of Martin Gregory’s sewing
machines and are now licensed to sell
bottled beers from local breweries. On
1st January they were visited
by 300-400 people as part of the King
Alfred Buses running day. A visit by
Hilary Benn had generated press
Crux Easton Wind
Engine. The CCTV survey has been
done, a draft report received with discs
and tapes to follow. Below the water
level the original pick marks can be
seen when the well was dug.