New faces at mills, new mills (to me at any rate) in
the latest, absorbing, Volume 2
Mills and Millers of Hampshire and sad news
at our iconic silk mill which will hopefully be
resolved by the time your next newsletter comes
hope you enjoy this edition, I think you’ll find
plenty of interest, whether you read online or on
paper. Thank you to all those who have responded to
the request for feedback on emailing; on the whole
it has gone well.
Cheers, Sheila.
Beaulieu Tide Mill’s restoration is at
last nearing completion
after very extensive works to the structure
following the fire, and here is the evidence.
Many thanks to Dave Plunkett for the photos above
and update: “Externally: Roof tiling in progress
after last of over-roofing removed, viewed from
road. Internal : Ground Floor & First Floor -
selected views. Mid September is the timescale
Andy Phillips of
Beaulieu Settled Estate is hoping to ask HMG
members to attend to assist the next stage of the
restoration. The mill is designed to be let to
tenants in part but the ground floor will largely be
opened up to the underside of the roof with a
minimum of flooring between. The waterwheel is
unrestored and not in current plans. The new
structure is insulated from the roof down to the
ground floor. With still a lot to do, it is in my
view, very smart at this stage - as I hope the
pictures will testify.”
Helen Robinson, Manager of the Eling Experience,
has announced that Eling Tide Mill has
found a new miller to continue the production of
their Flour of the Forest and Canute brands
of flour. With an engineering background, which
should stand him in good stead, James Lucas has been
put ‘through the mill’ training by HMG’s David
Plunkett. (Yes, he does get everywhere – Ed.)
Renovations, restorations and ground clearance are
well underway at Laverstoke Mill,
which you may well have seen en route to Bere
Mill’s Open Day in May if you travelled from the
Basingstoke direction.
James Lucas at Eling Tide
Mill |
Paul gives Longbridge’s new
wedges to Alan |
New wedges secured and stones cleaned, back on track
of it’s monthly milling programme from July 22,
Longbridge Mill is at last working again
thanks to the ministrations of millwrights,
OwlesworthIJP under the leadership of Paul
Sellwood – a man well known to many of our members
and who was instrumental in the overhaul of
Longbridge’s machinery in 2006, assisted by
millwright’s mate, Alan. The restaurant’s shelves
are well stocked again for custom over the counter.
Mildred Cookson has been welcomed to our regular
milling team although she missed out in August due
to the Reading Rock Festival traffic hemming her in
at home! Next milling date is 22 September.
Whitchurch Silk Mill
has ceased weaving!