A loaf of bread - that humble item on every
shopping list, is too often taken for granted.
Man has been making bread for at least 8000
years, in the days when the tools
to hoe, cut and grind were all made of stone.
The crushed flour mixed with water
and cooked on a flat stone over a fire gave a
bread that was very different from the sliced
white loaf of today. It was hard on the teeth
(as seen from human remains) and an example of
bread from 4000 years ago can be found at the
According to the legend, a young Egyptian once
forgot to cook his dough and left it long enough
to ferment before eventually baking what became
the first leavened bread. The Egyptians were
expert wheat growers and sold their excess to
the Greeks, who developed bread making skills.
The Romans learnt from the Greeks and even
started a college for bakers. It is said that
there were 258 bakers’ shops in
by the year 100bc. In the preserved Pompeian
bakery, loaves had been stamped with the maker’s
initials, and there was a public oven where the
populace could bake their home-made bread.
When Cassius came to
with his conquering army, it is said that he had
his bread sent all the way from
Rome, rather than eat the
local produce. The Romans imported the hard
wheat which would not grow in the northern
latitudes and brought us the rotary mill stone
and watermill. As with roads, sanitation and
central heating, much baking knowledge was lost
when the roman
empire collapsed.
The staple food crops of the Saxon were
rye, barley, oats,
millet, beans and peas. Bread made from wheat
was a luxury.
When the Normans
came a few centuries later, their greater use of
yeast in beer and brewing revived the yeasted
loaf, although local soft wheat did not rise
very well. The large round flat loaves were
frequently used as plates, called trenchers. A
good trencherman could eat his dinner and his
trencher. Was this the origin of the
Scandinavian open sandwich? The cakes or
loaves eaten by the agricultural population were
usually made from a coarse meal of
rye, sometimes mixed with
barley, oats, wheat or beans.
Millers were often accused of taking more than
their fair share of the flour, so bakers too,
were accused of stealing dough. A case is
recorded of a baker who cut a hole in his
kneading board, though which his boy could steal
bits of dough whilst the customer looked on in
Honest bakers formed themselves into a guild:
“the fraternity of st clement of the mystery of
bakers”. This conducted spot checks for the
weight, quality and price of bread. The
unpleasant and humiliating penalties for selling
underweight loaves led bakers to protect
themselves by baking an extra ‘make-weight’ loaf
to every dozen - hence the baker’s dozen. The
guild also set conditions for apprentices, one
of which was that they were not to be served
salmon (then a cheap and common fish) more than
twice weekly. The apprentices took seven years
to learn the mystery which was largely concerned
with the maintenance of the foaming yeast
culture or barm. Remember this next time you
reach for the sachet of dried yeast or run to
the supermarket for a pack of pre-packed fresh
yeast to put in the bread making machine!
English bread was generally made of mixed
grains until well into the Victorian age.
Barley and rye breads took longer to digest and
were favoured by labourers, whilst the rich
enjoyed expensive white wheat bread.
In the 19th century, imported wheat became
plentiful and was milled in the ports for
distribution by rail to the growing urban
population, to the detriment of rural wind and
water mills. Parliament put such heavy taxes
on imported wheat that the price of bread rose
to as much as 2/6 a loaf when some wages were
only three shillings a week. People revolted
against these corn laws with the result that
they were repealed in 1846.
The 20th century saw the mass production of
bread, with some of the sliced white loaves of
the later decades bearing little resemblance to
the tasty hand-crafted product. The turn of
the 21st century has seen the rise of the
domestic bread making machine - a clean
effortless way to enjoy fresh wholesome bread
baked to one’s own taste. It seems ironic that
after so many centuries in which the wealthier
citizens demonstrated their status by buying the
whitest wheat bread from someone else’s oven,
the same sector of society now seek out mixed
grain wholemeal flours to bake in their own
Tony Yoward