Welcome to our
Summer Newsletter. Ros Plunkett retired from the
job as editor after the last issue and I would like
to thank her for her sterling work.
Ruth Andrews has
kindly stepped in and she and Keith have produced
our new look publication. If you have any snippets
of Mill related topics or articles from your local
newspapers or journals please drop her a line or
email, and share them with us all.
I am writing this
update between finishing the final arrangements for
the four day study trip to Cornwall and leaving
first thing this Thursday (19 May). The
details of next year’s trip which will go ahead
during the middle of May 2017 are still to be
decided .
Our March meeting
was held on Saturday 5 March in Emsworth, when Peter
Hill former chairman of Sussex Mills Group gave us
an illustrated talk entitled ‘’Harnessing the Power
of Wind, Worldwide’’ and very interesting it was
Our next meeting
will be a follow-up presentation by Sheila Viner
entitled “Exploring the Mills on the River Pang”.
It will be held at Longbridge Mill on Friday 17 June
at 7:30pm. Why not arrive early and have dinner at
the mill before our talk?
The September
meeting this year will be held at Warnford Village
Hall on Friday 17 June at 7:30pm, with a talk by
Stephen Gadd: “Navigating the Avon from Salisbury
to Christchurch in the Medieval and Early Modern
Periods”. This will be followed by a short general
meeting and the AGM. Light refreshments will be
served during the evening.
I look forward to
seeing you all at our June meeting.